“The Best Kept Secret,” known as “TBKS Podcast,” returns for a new season with renewed possibilities for the South African music industry. Hosts Seezy Ray, Mpilo Might Just, and Prince Dwayze return to trade punchlines and take sides in favour of emerging South African musical acts. The first episode of the season sets the tone for a season filled with inconvenient truths and challenging views. ‘The New Season Comeback Episode‘ is available now on all podcast platforms.
TBKS Podcast is a music-centric podcast focusing on in-depth album reviews and analysis of homegrown musical talent. Creator and host Seezy Ray started the podcast in 2020. It was a time when a global pandemic left many gaps in the industry that he believed needed to be filled. In three short years, the podcast’s contribution to the growing music industry has been encouraging. Anticipation for the new season is high immediately, with new content debuting this season too.
In this new season, ‘TBKS Podcast’ is excited to introduce interviews and blog content on their brand-new website. Therefore, hoping to give their listeners more access by showing artists more love. “I’m also excited for us to introduce various new forms of content creation for our consumers to indulge in and interact with, as well as exploring new ways for us to shift and accelerate the culture as intricately as possible,” Prince Dwayze said about the new season. In addition, the podcast is shy of 100 episodes, a breakthrough milestone they will reach in this new season.
There is an admirable awareness with which the hosts delicately dissect every album they review. Each episode involves an emotional breakdown of the artist in question. Furthermore, it includes a song-by-song analysis of an album’s lyrics and production in search of the method behind the madness. Music podcasting is a reasonably new niche in South Africa. Seezy Ray and his brethren do not take the responsibility it comes with lightly. “As a team, we are not focused on numbers and clicks, but rather, we are here to impact the culture and amplify the work of incredible artists locally and internationally one episode at a time,” he said.
The podcast diligently covered over 30 musical acts in 2022. This alone is an additional reason to see how they absorb an industry growing faster than before. “I’m really looking forward to exploring South African talent in genres outside of just R&B and Hip-Hop,” Mpilo said. “I just want to see more consistency, and I’m looking forward to hearing from artists who’ve really kept a low profile since their first/early projects.” TBKS Podcast’s documentation of the music scene is a much-needed donation to the expanding culture. Moreover, it helps track the progress made, encouraging artists to say what has not yet been said.
Join Seezy Ray, Mpilo Might Just, and Prince Dwayze as they plunge into the deepest roots of modern-day musicality. Similarly, for the artist or a supporter of music, TBKS Podcast’s weekly episodes and monthly playlists keep you updated and informed.
Listen to the latest episode of the new season wherever you listen to podcasts. Alternatively, visit the TBKS Podcast website to learn more.